In a world inundated with digital media and flashy advertisements, it’s easy to overlook the artistic mastery of a bygone era – a time when captivating messages were hand-painted on the sides of buildings, creating awe-inspiring murals that seemed to come to life.

These skilled painters were affectionately known as “Walldogs,” a nickname that not only reflected their dedication but also their sheer determination in working tirelessly to craft outdoor wall advertising that would captivate the attention of all who passed by.

Ray Guzman, a visionary artist, craftsman, and teacher, was a pivotal figure in this artistic movement. His passion for the art of hand-painted signs and murals, combined with his unwavering dedication, led him to become the inaugural Walldogger. He graced the cover of “The Sign of the Times” magazine in December 1993, caught in the act of creating a mesmerizing Coca-Cola mural during The First Walldog Event.

This gathering, hosted by Nancy and Dan Bennett in Allerton, Iowa, marked the beginning of a phenomenon that would continue to captivate artists, enthusiasts, and communities for decades to come.

Fast forward 30 years, and the legacy of Ray Guzman and the Walldog Movement still lives on.

Ray has been invited back to Allerton for the 30th anniversary, a testament to the enduring impact of his artistic contributions. The Coca-Cola wall mural that he originally crafted is set to be refreshed at next year’s celebration, from August 30 to September 4, 2023. The original Allerton murals, showcasing the unparalleled skills of Ray Guzman and his fellow Walldog artists, stand as historical markers of a time when hand-painted artistry adorned the walls of towns across the nation.

To register for the Walldogs 30th Anniversary Event – Click here!

But the influence of the Walldog Movement goes beyond the quaint streets of Allerton. This artistic phenomenon has outgrown its humble origins, extending its reach to encompass the entire Wayne County, with a population of 6,426, coming together to host this momentous event.

To Follow the Walldogs of Facebook – Click here!

As the committee orchestrates the revival of the original Allerton murals, a captivating “Mural Trail” is being created, weaving historical murals into the very fabric of each incorporated town. The Walldog Movement not only honors the artistic heritage of the past but also embraces the future by ensuring that these hand-painted treasures remain a vibrant part of the community.

Fundraising efforts are in full swing, with grant applications being pursued to support this endeavor.

The anticipation for the 30th Anniversary of the “Walldogs” event is palpable, promising exciting updates and heartwarming stories that highlight the enduring legacy of Ray Guzman and the Walldog



We’re thrilled to host the Walldog Mural Festival in Wayne County, Iowa

Wednesday, August 30 – Monday, September 4, 2023!


150+ artists from around the world will paint 16 murals that showcase the best of Wayne County’s heritage. Please register as an artist or volunteer today!


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